Council Carbon Emissions reduced by over half

In 2011 Bedford Borough Council set a target of reducing carbon by 40% but the Council has gone even further and hit a 53% reduction in carbon emissions since 2009/10.
Works across the Council's buildings have included lighting upgrades, installation of solar panels, and Borough Hall has been converted from oil fired boilers to a biomass boiler.
Further projects delivered by the Council have seen improved lighting installed at a number of the car parks including Lurke Street, Queen Street and River Street which have already seen huge savings; with a 50% saving in just one year at Queen Street.
Liberal Democrat Mayor Dave Hodgson said "The vast array of measures we've taken to cut our carbon emissions have both reduced our environmental impact and saved taxpayers money. It is vital that the Council does its bit to protect both the local and wider environment and through hard work and targeted measures, we've achieved dramatic results in cutting our emissions."