Council gives away 5,000 trees

Next month, Bedford Borough Council is giving away 5,000 trees for local residents, businesses, schools and community groups to collect and plant in their local areas.
This give away will be held on Wednesday 16 February and Saturday 19 February, between 10am-3pm at Oasis Beach Pool. Residents can collect up to five trees, and businesses, community groups and schools can collect up to twenty five trees, with stakes and guards provided if needed.
The trees must be planted on private land within the Borough, with the owner's permission and addresses of the locations will be taken when the trees are collected.
During this planting season there have been so many different tree planting projects across the Borough, supporting the Queen's Green Canopy and other projects, with partners including the Forest of Marston Vale and the Forestry Commission.
Mayor Dave Hodgson said "Planting trees provides such a boost to the local environment, from helping to tackle climate change, making the local area more beautiful and boosting health and wellbeing, and improving the habitat for local wildlife. Over this year's planting season, the Council and its partners have been involved in the planting of over 10,000 trees across the Borough. Through this give away of 5,000 trees, it is wonderful to be able to involve local residents, schools, communities and businesses so directly. So please, come on down to Oasis, pick up some trees and get planting. There is no need to book in advance, just turn up."
Guidance and advice about how to look after your new trees, including a species guide will be available on the Council's website at