Council Issues Social Distancing Reminder

Following reports that some pub goers were not adhering to social distancing over the weekend, Bedford Borough Council has reminded people to keep two metres apart from others.
Coronavirus has not gone away, and to avoid a local lockdown residents are being urged to continue to social distance, wash their hands regularly for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser and wear a face covering in busy places.
Those who do go out for a drink or a meal, are urged to make sure they leave your contact details with the business for NHS Test and Trace. Test and Trace will help to reduce the spread of the infection and save lives.
Anyone can spread coronavirus and anyone can get it. Even if you are not presenting symptoms, you can still be carrying the virus and you may infect someone who is more vulnerable. Everyone must play their part in protecting family, friends and the wider community.
Bedford Borough Council's Environmental Health team has been working with businesses to provide advice and support around the health, safety and wellbeing of staff and customers.
If you are presenting symptoms of coronavirus; a new persistent cough, high temperature, loss or change in taste or smell, please book a test via or by calling 119.