Council reminds park users to take rubbish away

Bedford Borough Council is urging people to be sensible and dispose of their rubbish properly when visiting parks and open spaces within the borough. If bins are full, visitors should find another bin or take their rubbish home with them.
A Borough Council Spokesperson said, "We are really fortunate in Bedford Borough because we have access to award winning parks and open spaces, which is what makes it such a shame when litter is left on the floor or by the bin, rather than being thrown away. We want to keep our parks and open spaces clean so they can be enjoyed by everyone, but we all need to play our part. What we would like to say to the people who are littering is that if you bring something with you to the parks, then you should also be able to take it away and dispose of it properly. We would also like to remind everyone using our parks and opens spaces to adhere to guidance on social distancing and washing or sanitising your hands regularly."
Bedford Borough Council issue Fixed Penalty Notices of £100 to people who are caught littering, including those who leave litter or bags on the ground or beside litterbins. If you see someone littering, you can report it via the council website at