Council’s “Vision for Physical Activity 2022-2030 – Movement to Change”

Bedford Borough Council is developing a new vision for physical activity for 2022-2030, called "Movement to Change".
This vision, written following work with a number of different partners, groups and clubs, focuses on tacking inactivity and inequality, outlines key priorities and themes, and will help to set the Council's priorities for the provision of physical activity.
Movement and physical activity is really important for physical and mental health, and can be truly life changing; enabling people to live happier, healthier and more fulfilled lives, and to be more connected to their community.
The overarching vision for "Movement to Change" is that:
"By 2030 we want Bedford Borough to be a place where everyone has a great start to life, people live healthy and fulfilling lives, are enabled to achieve their full potential and contribute to their community.
"We know being active is one of the single most effective and sustainable ways to achieve the 2030 Vision for Bedford Borough. From better mental and physical health to social cohesion and a greener future, movement benefits us from the day we are born through to old age."
There are four key themes to help achieve this vision: connecting communities, positive experiences for children and young people, connecting with health and wellbeing, and active environments.
Cllr Doug McMurdo, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture said "The 'Movement to Change' physical activity vision for Bedford Borough is a really important plan for the future. We encourage residents and stakeholders to be creative and imaginative. We want to see the Borough tackling inequality and making it easier for people to be active, and want to hear your thoughts on how we will execute the 'vision'.
"Please visit to find out more and have your say, by Tuesday 12 July."
You can have your say at or by emailing