Council Tax Energy Payment - form now available

As part of the government's initiative to help households with rising energy costs, they have announced a £150 Council Tax energy payment for households living in Council Tax bands A to D, as their main home, and Band E where there is a disabled Band reduction.
Those who do not pay their Council Tax by Direct Debit will receive an 'access code' to get their £150 energy payment.
This code was sent automatically via email by Wednesday 27 April for those who use paperless billing, and will be sent by post by Wednesday 11 May for those who do not.
This code is to ensure that people do not fraudulently apply for payments for homes they don't live in, so that people receive the payment they are entitled to. You can only get your unique access code by letter and email from the Council, it is not available from the Council's Customer Service Centre.
Once you have received your code, you can then use the form via Please do not try to use the form before you have this code.
Once the form has been completed, the payments will be made from mid-May onwards.
If you do not have access to a computer or smartphone or tablet, you can use the free computers at local libraries or call our Customer Services Centre for support on 01234 718097 and press option 4.
If you pay your Council Tax by Direct Debit, you do not need to take any action. You will receive your payment automatically after your first Council Tax payment of the year has been taken, to ensure that the Council has the correct details. These payments started in April and the majority of people who pay their Council Tax by Direct Debit have now been paid their £150 Council Tax Energy Payment. The £150 will arrive in bank accounts in the next few days after payment by the Council. If your first Direct Debit payment of the year is made in early May, you will be paid by mid-May.
Councillor Michael Headley, Portfolio Holder for Finance said "We know that this is a very challenging time for many people, with rising energy prices and a cost of living crisis. So the Council is working hard to get these payments out as soon as possible within the requirements of the government scheme. This system is in place to ensure that these payments are paid to those who are entitled to them, and people cannot claim for a house they do not live in. Be aware of potential scams. The form can only be accessed via the Council's website, at"