Council Tax Reduction Scheme continues to support the most vulnerable

At a meeting of the Executive this week, Finance Portfolio Holder Councillor Michael Headley put forward proposals to continue the 100% Council Tax Reduction Scheme to support the Borough's vulnerable residents.
Councillor Michael Headley said "It is important that we continue with this scheme that supports residents in their time of need. Unlike the majority of other councils, we still provide 100% Council Tax support for those in need. This has been particularly important over these last couple of years when people have been through a lot of challenges. We are proposing that we continue to provide this support at another challenging time for residents who face a cost of living crisis, with rising bills, and cuts to Universal Credit support."
The scheme must be reviewed every year in accordance with national regulations, however Bedford Borough Council's scheme to provide 100% support has remained unchanged since 2016. Last year the Council provided Council Tax Support discounts to around 11,400 households per month on average.
Mayor Dave Hodgson also expressed his support for the 100% Council Tax support, he said "I think this is something that this Council should be very proud of. I think we are one of around 30 councils in England that has a 100% support scheme. As we approach a real crisis in terms of inflation, it is so important that we have that safety net in place for those in need. I am very happy to support all the recommendations."
To see whether you may be eligible for Council Tax Support, visit