Council Teams up with Police, Fire Service and others for Week of Action in Midland Road and Tavistock Street

This week, Bedford Borough Community Safety Partnership is running a 'Week of Action' in the Midland Road and Tavistock Street areas.
Starting on Monday 1st and running through to this Saturday, 6th October, Bedford Borough Council, Bedfordshire Police, Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service is working in partnership with the local community to concentrate on ways to help improve the two areas and this will include activities and events that local residents and businesses can be involved in.
There are opportunities for local residents and businesses to get advice about loan-sharks, money lending and legal issues, and speak to people from organisations including the Borough Council, Police, Fire & Rescue, Community Safety, Credit Union, Neighbourhood Watch, Path 2 Recovery, BPHA, the Victims Hub and local councillors. They will work in partnership with organisations including ACCM UK, Prebend Day Centre, local schools, residents' groups, the Salvation Army and others.
Ward councillors, police and the community safety team will be holding a number of Help and Advice sessions. There will also be coffee mornings at ACCM UK on Woburn Road, and free wellbeing checks. There is also the chance to try a free taster 'Silver Stetson Line Dancing' session at Tavistock Community Centre, a free gym taster session at Samson's Gym in Midland Road, or take part in a free football session for under 18s at the Commercial Road sports pitch. Community litter picks will also be held in both Midland Road and Tavistock Street areas during the week, with all volunteers welcome.
Commenting, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "The activities taking place this week have been shaped by members of these communities themselves. We are committed to genuine partnership working with the Police, Fire service and other local agencies, and this week's events are demonstrating the benefits of this approach. I recommend that local residents do check out what's on offer this week in terms of advice and information. We are working to find solutions to issues affecting these areas, and we know that we will do that by working in partnership not only with other key agencies but also local communities themselves.
Local residents and business of the Tavistock Street and Midland Road areas will have received a timetable of the planned events for the week, with dates, times and location through their letterbox, and this is available to download from the Council's website here.
For updates on activities during the week, you can follow the Bedford Borough Community Safety Partnership on twitter at @safer_Bedford, and Bedford Borough Council on twitter at @bedfordtweets and on facebook at @bedfordboroughcouncil