Cracking Down on Blue Parking Badge Fraud

Mayor Dave Hodgson has said that the seizing of four misused blue disabled parking badges in a series of recent spot checks in Bedford town centre should send a message to blue badge fraudsters that they can expect to be caught if they break the rules.
Officers from Bedford Borough Council's Parking Enforcement and Counter-Fraud Teams patrolled town centre streets and car parks to check blue badges were being used legally.
Over 100 badges were checked and owners spoken to and the vast majority were genuine and law abiding users. The genuine badge holders were pleased to hear that the Council was carrying out these spot checks throughout the year and urged those who were abusing the system to be penalised.
Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "Blue badges are a vital lifeline for residents with serious mobility problems, allowing them to park close to essential shops and services.
"However, fraudulently using a Blue Badge is despicable and deprives disabled drivers of spaces. We are clamping down on this criminal activity and anyone committing fraud by misusing a Blue Badge should expect to be caught and prosecuted.
"Any suspected blue badge fraud will be investigated by Council officers, so I encourage residents to share any information they may have."
Residents that still have a badge that has expired or that belonged to a deceased relative are reminded that the must return the badge to the Council straight away.
Anyone concerned that a Blue Badge is being misused can report their concerns free and in confidence by telephoning the Council's Fraud Hotline 0800 917 8491.