Crossing Cut Creates Children’s School Safety Risk

Hawk Drive school crossing patrol in Brickhill was cut with less than 24 hours’ notice before the end of the Christmas term. There was no consultation with Scott Primary school leadership, governing body, local parents, parish council, or the ward councillors.
Liberal Democrat Councillor Charles Royden (Brickhill) said,
‘This decision is a disgrace. Parents will be baffled and upset about why this school crossing patrol has been taken away from Hawk Drive, putting children at risk. They will notice it was there one day and literally gone the next, and no one took the trouble to inform them.
Children should be able to walk to school in safety, it is a healthy choice as well as better for the environment. Liberal Democrats colleagues and I are appalled that this Conservative-led administration is cutting crossing patrols to make meagre savings whilst wasting hundreds of thousands of pounds on empty buildings in the town centre with no real plan. The Mayor has failed to maintain our speed cameras with many now out of use and it is clear that the Conservatives do not care about road safety in the Borough.’