Cycle to Work Day 2020

Thursday 6th August is Cycle to Work Day, and this year's event has a new twist. With many people's circumstances changed due to the coronavirus pandemic, Cycle to Work Day organisers this year are encouraging people to ride anywhere, for any reason and with anyone, and Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats are backing the initiative.
Whether you're currently commuting or not, you can get involved. This year, joining in with Cycle to Work Day means trying something different. Whether it's early morning exercise, leaving the car on the drive as you nip to the shops, or going for a socially distanced cycle with friends and family.
Commenting, Bedford Borough Liberal Democrat Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee Spokesperson Cllr Tim Hill said: "Cycling is good for your health and good for the environment. These are difficult times for everyone, but whether you're commuting to work or not, there's every reason to get on your bike on Cycle-to-Work Day and every day.'
"The Council is continuing its extensive work to deliver improvements to local cycling infrastructure and facilities, and with so many benefits to cycling, why not get on your bike?"
You can find out more about Cycle to Work Day 2020 and how to take part on the Cycle to Work Day website here