Dave Hodgson to run for Mayor

On Monday evening Dave Hodgson was selected by the Borough Liberal Democrats as their candidate for Mayor of Bedford.
Dave who has lived in Bedford for 30 years is currently leader of the Liberal Democrats on Bedford Borough Council - the largest group on the Council. He was appointed Cabinet member for Partnerships and IT by Frank Branston, whose sudden death gave rise to the by-election for Mayor.
Speaking after the hustings meeting Dave Hodgson said, "I am delighted to have been selected and I am looking forward to the campaign. This is an important time for Bedford Borough with the Unitary Council in its first year, the credit crunch making itself felt on local people and on development plans and key issues such as school structures, the completion of western bypass and plans for an incinerator all delicately poised.
"The Liberal Democrats came second to Frank Branston in Bedford's first Mayoral election and were the winners in the June local elections, when they became the largest group on Bedford Borough Council. We are therefore the serious contenders for the Mayoral election.
"Whilst the Conservatives are being dictated to by David Cameron and HQ by running a US-style primary, I will be out knocking on doors, talking to as many people as possible, demonstrating that I am the best person for the job of Mayor. Bedford needs a leader for the Council and a champion of Bedford beyond our Borough boundaries and that's what I offer the people of the Borough."
Dave has lived in Bedford for 30 years, he went to schools in Bedford and has lived in both the urban and rural areas of the Borough. He has had a varied career, working in IT, as a college lecturer and running his own business. He currently lives with his wife in Kingsbrook, in the south of Bedford, which he represents as Borough Councillor.