'Day of Action' for Shortstown and New Cardington Development
Residents of Shortstown and the New Cardington development have been invited to take part in a special, multi-agency "Day of Action", focused on community safety in their local area, on Saturday 22nd June 2013.
A 'Day of Action' provides a great opportunity for residents to meet officers from the Council, police, fire service and other partnership members to tell them what it is like to live in the area. It also helps the agencies on the Community Safety Partnership to work with local people to improve the area.
The Community Safety Partnership comprises Bedford Borough Council, Bedfordshire Police, NHS Bedfordshire, bpha, Bedfordshire and Luton Fire and Rescue Service and Bedfordshire Probation Trust, who all work together to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour across the Borough.
The Day of Action will target anti-social behaviour such as littering, dog fouling, graffiti, drug and alcohol misuse as well as other behaviour which concerns local residents. This will include enforcement patrols, education and information gathering.
Local police officers will be opening the mobile police station, on Beauvais Square, between 10am and 2pm where free crime prevention advice will be available, along with the opportunity to meet local Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinators, the anti-social behaviour co-ordinator & housing officers from bpha.
The R.A.V.E bus will also be present as an ideal meeting place for young people providing widescreen TV, DVD & CD players. In addition young people can join in organised youth activities at the Village Hall.
Local residents will also be encouraged to get involved with representatives from Neighbourhood Watch, Bedford Borough Council Safeguarding Teams and Cambridge Alcohol network, who provide advice on drug and alcohol related issues.
Lib Dem Councillor for Eastcotts and Portfolio Holder for Community and Regulatory Services, Sarah-Jayne Holland said: "This day of action demonstrates just how much we can do when we all work together.
"It also provides an excellent opportunity for a range of different organisations to speak directly to local residents and help tackle the issues that are affecting their lives."