Deep-clean on the timetable for Bedford Bus Station

Starting today and finishing on Sunday, Bedford Borough Council will be carrying out a deep clean and maintenance works at Bedford Bus Station.
The Bus Station is a well-used local facility, with services running locally and regionally to get people to and from work, travelling for leisure, and visiting loved ones. As such, as with any building, areas have started to look a little tired and in need of some TLC.
As part of the deep clean, the Bus Station, the Hub at the front and the Mobility Hub will all be deep cleaned including floors, fixtures and fittings including seats, windows, frames and paving.
At the same time, to minimise ongoing disruption, highways works will be carried out including re-marking the crossing points.
Councillor Charles Royden, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transport said "The bus station was rebuilt a number of years ago, and we carry out regular cleaning and maintenance. This deep clean will really help to revitalise this building and get it looking back to its best. Once this deep clean is carried out, we would ask people not to feed the birds or drop bird food as this encourages pigeons and other birds, which cause a mess around this busy building, and the Council is looking to implement further pigeon prevention measures to help this area looking clean and tidy. Apologies for any inconvenience caused to your journeys and thank you for your support as we carry out these works."