Deep Dive Interim Report

The interim report into the 'deep dive' into Bedford Borough's high Coronavirus infection rate has now been published.
The new local data from Public Health England and the Joint Biosecurity Centre shows that while Coronavirus infections are still high in the Borough, they are starting to decline.
The interim findings of the deep dive, which were issued on Monday, outlines that, as elsewhere in the country, the greatest number of positive tests for COVID-19 are for women aged between 30-59. While there were no 'hot spots' in the general population the interim findings identified the highest number of cases in areas around the town centre. These are areas where the average age is higher due to number of care homes, retirement homes and supported living settings.
Ahead of the publication of a final report work is continuing, including detailed analysis of local data about Coronavirus cases to help the early identification of any local clusters. I am continuing to push for the publication of all available data.
While the initial findings suggest the rate of infection looks to be improving, it remains high compared to other areas and caution is being urged to help slow the spread of the virus. The interim report has a number of recommendations for the hospital and other partners to try and reduce the infection rate even more. Measures to continue the downward trajectory of infection have been put in place, including improving testing facilities at Bedford Hospital, to allow for a faster turn-around of test results.
Mayor Dave Hodgson said "I would like to thank (and have recorded a video to thank) all our residents, our businesses, the carers, council staff, Police, NHS workers and all the other emergency services and everyone who has kept us going during the pandemic. You can watch the video here. We've seen in places like Leicester sudden spikes of the virus leading to a local lockdown. We all need to play our part so that doesn't happen here. If you go out, we're asking everyone to continue to keep two metres apart, wear a face covering (particularly on public transport), and regularly wash your hands. These simple measures are things we can all do that are key in helping to slow the spread of the virus."
Anyone with symptoms, including a new persistent cough, high temperature or a change or loss of taste or smell should immediately self-isolate and arrange a test via or by calling 119.
The interim findings of the 'deep dive' are available here.