Discretionary Business Support Grants Scheme - Deadline on Friday

With the deadline to apply for a discretionary business support grant in Bedford Borough approaching tomorrow, firms are encouraged to look at the guidelines and to apply if eligible.
The discretionary business support grant scheme is funded by Government and administered by Bedford Borough Council. The scheme is designed to support businesses affected by the pandemic who have fixed costs for premises but don't qualify for the main business support grants scheme.
For more on the scheme, including the eligibility guidelines and the application form, go to http://www.bedford.gov.uk/covid19business
With limited funding available for the discretionary scheme, the Council wants to ensure that all eligible businesses are able to receive some support. It is asking for applications by 19th June, after which it will review all applications against the criteria and ensure the available funds are shared amongst eligible businesses, according to need. Awards are capped at a maximum of £10,000.
Commenting at the time of the scheme's launch, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "We know that the number of businesses suffering in the current circumstances extends well beyond those covered by the previously-announced government support schemes. That's why we're working to ensure that these new, limited funds from government are distributed to all eligible businesses on the basis of fairness and need. We've made the guidelines and application process as straightforward as possible. We are asking businesses to look at the guidelines and make their application by 19th June so we can assess all cases together and get these much-needed funds out to firms as quickly and fairly as possible."