Dog waste piling up all over Bedford
Dog bins across Bedford Borough are overflowing with poo and are not being emptied.
Dog waste bins have been spotted overflowing with poo in Brickhill, Clapham, De Parys, Kempston, Putnoe, Riverfield, Wixams and Wootton, and some residents have even resorted to emptying the bins themselves. The problem has gone on for months and Liberal Democrat Councillors have now raised this at the Council’s Executive (Wednesday 16 October).
Holding up a photo of one of the overflowing bins, Cllr Henry Vann, leader of Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats, challenged the lack of action, saying: “This Conservative administration is now failing to deliver the most basic of services expected from residents.”
Cllr Vann added later: “It is simply unacceptable that poo is piling up near walking routes to school , and is not being collected or dealt with. What has gone wrong? We need answers and the Conservatives need to get a grip of the problem.”
Cllr Headley said, “I have been a councillor for 30 years. I have never seen the situation this bad. Dog walkers want to do the right thing and dispose of dog waste responsibly. This is a systematic failure. It isn’t just one odd bin that needs sorting out, it is clear that the entire collection process has collapsed. Even more worrying, was that the Conservative Portfolio Holder didn’t seem to be aware of the scale of the problem.”