Dramatic Multi-Storey Transformation at Bedford Bus Station Wins National Award

The Allhallows car park in Bedford has won the 'Best Car Park Refurbishment Award' in the 2015 British Parking Awards after its dramatic transformation as part of Mayor Dave Hodgson's bus station area regeneration project.
The startling renovation of Allhallows car park has been completed successfully as a key feature of Mayor Dave Hodgson's comprehensive project to regenerate the bus station area, after decades of dashed hopes and embarrasment for Bedford over this prominent gateway to the town centre.
In winning the award, the project overcame strong private sector competition which included an £8 million refurbishment of the Merrion centre car park in Leeds.
Built in the 1960's, the 5 floor, 600 space multi-storey had long been identified as a building which was letting the town centre down. However, following Bedford Borough Council's drive to modernise the multi-storey, the transformation of the car park has been astounding. A disabled lift, re-designated disabled parking areas, new CCTV and solar-power panels have been introduced at the now well-lit, easy to use and visually striking building.
Mayor Dave Hodgson said "Allhallows Multi-Storey Car Park had, like the old bus station it sat alongside, let Bedford town centre down for far too long. It looked terrible and did not offer a welcoming environment to motorists at all.
"Refurbishment was a major task, but we were committed to getting the job done properly as part of a comprehensive regeneration of the bus station area. This is exactly what has been achieved, with the experience of using the striking-looking car park now completely transformed. This award is a welcome recognition of this, and of the fact that everyone who worked on this project has helped to ensure Allhallows Car Park is fit for Bedford Town Centre today and for many years to come."
For more information on car parking in Bedford, please visit www.bedford.gov.uk and access the 'Transport and Streets' section.
Since the introduction of the Mayor's Free parking Deal, parking in all Council-owned car parks is free for the first 2 hours on Saturdays, while there is free parking all day on Sundays. Mayor Dave has also introduced 24-hour opening at Lurke Street and River Street multi-storey car parks for the first time ever, in support of local businesses and to help visitors use and enjoy their town centre at all times of day.