Dreams and Nightmares at The Higgins Bedford

The Higgins Bedford is proud to present; Dream and Nightmares, an exhibition of incredible artworks drawn from the internationally renowned Cecil Higgins Art Gallery Collection, exploring artists depictions of dreams and nightmares, accompanied by the launch of a fully illustrated catalogue. The exhibition is sponsored by Oxford Brookes University and will be free to visit from 12th October 2019 to 22nd March 2020.
Spanning two galleries, visitors are invited to delve into spiritual visions, spectral images, romantic dreams and more. Featured artworks include Samuel Palmer's dreams of the village of Shoreham and Dante Gabriel Rossetti's visions of the flames of hell. Nightmares become reality in Pablo Picasso, Kathe Kollwitz and Francisco Goya's depictions of war, whereas fairies and goblins run riot in the watercolours of Richard 'Dickie' Doyle and Arthur Rackham. Co-curator Christiana Payne, Professor of History of Art at Oxford Brookes University, said "The collection is full of wonderful drawings, watercolours and prints. It is a great privilege to be able to present works by artists I've always admired, such as Marc Chagall, Edvard Munch and William Blake".
A fully illustrated catalogue will be available from the Museum Shop as the exhibition opens, published in partnership with Oxford Brookes University. Written by co-curators Professor Christiana Payne and Victoria Partridge, the catalogue will detail the featured art and artists, giving an in-depth view of the works in the exhibition. Co-Curator Victoria Partridge, Keeper of Fine and Decorative Art at The Higgins Bedford, said "The beautifully designed catalogue will offer visitors, not only a deeper insight into the exhibition, but a memento of the amazing art collection we have here in Bedford".
There will also be a series of exciting events as part of Dreams and Nightmares, including gallery tours, lunchtime lectures, a British Sign Language tour and workshop, Study Day and holiday activities. Visit www.thehigginsbedford.org.uk to find out more.