Earth Day 2020 - Fight Today for a Better Tomorrow

Today is Earth Day, and on the 50th anniversary of this global event Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats are joining the call for us all to take action to protect our planet.
The theme of Earth Day 2020 is climate action, with the focus on the huge challenge - and opportunities - of action on climate change.
As Earth Day organisers state, 'Climate change represents the biggest challenge to the future of humanity and the life-support systems that make our world habitable.'
Bedford Borough Council Environment Portfollio Holder, Liberal Democrat Cllr Charles Royden said: "On the 50th Earth Day we're adding our voice to the global call for real action to protect our planet. This message, and the need to work together for a safer world now and in the future, is as important as ever in our current extraordinary circumstances.'
"That action is needed at an international, national and local level, and for our part here in Bedford Borough we've declared a climate emergency and are taking on the very difficult but essential challenge to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030."
For more information on Earth Day 2020 visit today, on April 22, as they build 'an Earth Day unlike any other... with livestreamed discussions, a global digital surge, and 24 hours of actions that you can take, right now and from wherever you are.'