Edward Davey MP backs Dave Hodgson for Mayor

Edward Davey MP joined Dave Hodgson and local Liberal Democrats on the campaign trail in Bedford last night. Liberal Democrat Shadow Foreign Secretary Edward Davey MP visited Bedford last night to help Dave Hodgson's campaign to become Mayor of Bedford Borough. Mr Davey spoke to Dave about the key issues for the by-election campaign, and heard about Dave's priorities for supporting the local economy, improving local roads, tackling crime and protecting the environment, before hitting the campaign trail and meeting local residents in Bedford.
Commenting, Mr Davey said: "The Liberal Democrats go into this by-election in a strong position after coming first in the recent council elections, and have in Dave Hodgson a first class candidate who is committed to delivering real improvements for residents.'
"After years of high taxes and poor services under the Conservative County Council, it is clear that Bedford Borough needs a Mayor who will lead the new Unitary Council by putting residents first. Dave is focused on the issues which really matter to local people, such as the economy, crime and the local environment, and his campaign already has real momentum."