Election Day Tomorrow - Have Your Say!

Tomorrow is of course election day here in Bedford Borough, with polls opening at 7am and remaining open right through to 10pm. Make sure you have your say in these important elections for our Borough. All forty of the council seats across newly drawn boundaries are being contested, parished areas have parish council elections, there's the referendum on the voting system and, of course, the Mayoral election.
During the campaign I've really enjoyed getting around the Borough and talking to residents about the issues that matter in their community. In fact, I've enjoyed doing that throughout my short period as Mayor!
Here's a reminder of my pledges to local residents:
I will...
1. Regenerate Bedford town centre - A new riverside development, a revitalised High Street and a redeveloped bus station area
2. Invest in our children and young people - £41m for new school classrooms and facilities
3. Keep your council tax down & protect services - savings in Borough Hall, not out in the community
4. Attract more major businesses to come to our Borough and create jobs
5. Get Bedford moving - deliver the final section of the Western Bypass
6. Resurface more roads and pavements - continuing the fight-back against years of neglect