Electoral register checks underway in 2022 Annual Canvass
The annual canvass - which allows the council to keep Bedford's Electoral Register up to date, ensuring residents are able to vote in future elections - is now well underway.
On receiving the information from the council, residents are being asked to follow the instructions on any correspondence to ensure that the electoral details for every address in Bedford are kept up to date.
As part of the next steps, Electoral Registration canvassers will be knocking on doors of non-responding households to ensure everyone's details are correct.
Laura Church, Chief Executive and Electoral Registration Officer at Bedford Borough Council, said, "Our Electoral Registration canvassers will be out and about this month helping ensure our electoral register is up to date and everyone who is entitled can vote. The Canvasser is visiting to confirm the details currently held on the electoral register and will ask just a few short questions. They will have a tablet with the details of the household and an ID badge. Residents can call our helpline on 01234 718078 if they have any queries about the Electoral Registration Canvassers."
For more information visit https://www.bedford.gov.uk/your-council/elections-and-voting/electoral-registration-household-canvass/household-canvass