Elstow, Stewartby and Kempston Hardwick Echo

This is the latest of the regular electronic community newsletters from Cllr Tim Hill as the local Liberal Democrat Borough Councillor for Elstow and Stewartby Ward. If you would like more information on any of these, Tim's contact details can be found here.
Since my last Elstow, Stewartby and Kempston Hardwick Echo, here are some of the local issues I have progressed, in some cases with the valued help of the relevant Parish Council:
- Shooting at Romsey Way - Ensured a police presence at Elstow Primary within 36 hours when none had been provided by police.
- Retail Centre by Health Centre - Hosted two conference calls with interested party, developer and Borough Head of Economic Development.
- Atrocious parking outside Elstow Primary School at drop-off and pick-up times.
- "Adoption" by Borough ofHexham Close and high numbers of Abbey Fields.
- Possible car business activities in Hillesden Avenue estate.
- Owners of land with fallen fence on between Wigram Close and Progress Way.
- Safety of High Street/Church End junction.
- Missing panel on live BT pole near High Street/Church End junction.
- Blocked drain in Bunyans Mead.
- Safety of Elstow Brook bridge - now being monitored by Borough Highways.
- Installation of street name plate inMedbury Lane with "No Through Road" sign on.
- Shop in space set aside on Stewartby Park Phase 1 development - Really good news. An unconditional sale subject to the section 106 obligations has been agreed to a developer with an assigned operator. It should be up and running by the end of 2016.
- Stewartby Park Phase 2 development - Due to their success in selling Phase 1 properties faster than expected, my Persimmons contact confirmed that they will be exercising their option on the Phase 2 land within the next few weeks.
- Stewartby Park development. Day-to-day management issues including mud on several roads and removal of white fence sheeting at Park Crescent/Broadmead Road junction.
- Intentions of Quest Pit Ltd for Quest Pit use - Am meeting with Quest Pit Ltd owner and Mayor Dave on 3 Aug 16 to review the owner's current proposals. A
- Broadband speed for remainder of village - I am very pleased to report that after much work and chasing, Openreach has advised it is planning to install Super Fast Broadband by December 2016.
- "Adoption" by Borough of School Lane - Following my update request, I am told it will be any day now.
- Potholes at Stewartby Way/B530 junction - They have now been filled in.
- Speedwatch sessions at high numbers of Stewartby Way and near Kimberley College.
- Parking by Village Hall during large events - Arranging meeting with Borough Highways, Parish Council Chair and a local resident to discuss options.
Kempston Hardwick:
- Traffic on Manor Road.
- Railings under Railway Bridge - Now completed.
- Brickmakers Arms - Application for demolition has been received by Borough Planning.
- Footpath for bus shelter by Sheffield House - CBDC have finally accepted it is theirs and have raised a work ticket.