Elstow, Stewartby and Kempston Hardwick Echo from Cllr Tim Hill

Mayor Dave's Village Tour
Mayor Dave is again holding his annual Village Tour, during which he holds open street surgeries in the 61 different villages right across the Borough. Our surgeries are as follows:
Tuesday, September 15, 2015 7.00 - 7.30 pm Elstow Outside the old Swan pub.
Thursday, September 17, 2015 5.30 - 6.00 pm Kempston Hardwick Near Eastwood Cottages.
Thursday, September 17, 2015 6.15 - 6.45 pm Stewartby Outside Village Hall
Please do come along and raise any issues you think he can help you with.
My Casework
Since my last Elstow, Stewartby and Kempston Hardwick Echo, here are some of the local issues I have progressed, in some cases with the valued support of the relevant Parish Council:
Ward-Wide Issues
a) Unauthorised Encampment at B&Q.
b) Traffic issues at Cow Bridge junction.
c) Heritage Open Days across the Borough, including Moot Hall.
Local Issues
a) Application for 34 houses on the Village Farm land.
b) Speeding on Moss Lane/South Avenue and Wilstead Road.
c) Footpath on A6 from Wilstead Road to Shanks.
d) No verge parking scheme consultation in Hillesden Avenue estate.
e) Poor broadband speed on the Abbey Fields estate.
f) Dog litter on the High Street and the Bunyans Mead green area.
g) Unauthorised hedge cutting on Croyland Drive.
h) Transfer of maintenance responsibilities from the estate developer to the Borough Council of the remaining part of the Abbey Fields estate.
i) Inconsiderate parking in Sandleford Drive.
j) Wheelchair access to green area off Abbey Fields.
k) Litter on the Bunyans Mead green area.
l) Street light needing repair at the corner of Prudden Close and Tipcat Close.
m) Poor condition of road surface in Lynn Close.
a) I was very grateful to receive the invitation to yesterday's celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Sir Malcolm Stewart Homes Trust. I was grateful because the invitation was despite all the hassle I've given the Trust over recent years. The celebrations provided by the Trust did their community proud. The icing on the cake was the announcement that the Trust is about to put in a planning application for double glazed windows. This is really great news for the residents after years of campaigning. I am very grateful that theTrust is now doing this.
b) Average Speed Cameras on Stewartby Way - I am sorry to report that 305 drivers between Mar 15 and Jun 15 put resident's lives at risk by speeding along Stewartby Way. All will be prosecuted.
c) Stewartby Park development - Day-to-day management issues including mud and rocks on Broadmead Road and lorries using Stewartby Way.
d) Intentions of new owners as to what Quest Pit will now be used for following the winding up of Nirah.
n) No verge parking scheme consultations in Churchill Close, Pillinge Road and Magpie Avenue.
o) Transfer of maintenance responsibilities from the house builders to the Borough Council for School Lane.
p) A gas supply to existing premises in Stewartby.
q) Inconsiderate parking in Montgomery Close and Kitchener Place.
r) Poor broadband speed on The Crescent.
Kempston Hardwick
a) Poor condition of the environment within and surrounding the Travellers Site.
b) Overgrown bushes on footpath between Vine Cottages and Ampthill Road.
c) Clearing up of footpath behind Bedford Car Auctions.
d) Tented community on green area behind Marsh Leys.
e) Incorrect use of crusher by G.Moore causing dust cloud on Manor Road.
Ward Fund
My Borough Council Ward Fund amount for 2015/16 is £8,757. The split reflects my aim to spend in population proportion across the Ward during my current four-year term of office.
Elstow - £5,779.62 (Roughly 66%): £4,029.62 remaining.
1. Speed survey in Moss Lane/South Avenue main road - £300.00.
2. Contribution towards the cost of re-stocking the library of Elstow Primary School - £200.00.
3. Contribution towards the cost of the Church End/High Street road safety work - £750.00.
4. Contribution towards the cost of replacing a wooden bench on the Church End green - £500.00.
Stewartby - £2,977.38 (Roughly 34%): £0.00 remaining.
1. Contribution towards the cost of installing double yellow lines across the entrance to the driveway of 23, Churchill Close - £200.00.
2. Contribution towards the cost of installing double yellow lines across the entrance to the driveway of 8, 54 and 4, Stewartby Way - £800.00.
3. Contribution towards the cost of re-stocking the library of Broadmead Lower School - £200.00.
4. Contribution towards the cost of outdoor lockers that will enable Marston Vale Middle pupils to store possessions outside but in a dry and safe environment - £300.00.
5. Contribution towards the cost of play equipment on Village Green suitable for younger children - £1,477.38.
Contact me
Please don't hesitate to contact me on any local issue.