Elstow, Stewartby and Kempston Hardwick Echo, October 2016

Ward Wide Issues:
Traffic issues at Cow Bridge junction - Arranged meeting for an Abbey Fields resident with the Highways Officer managing the Southern Gateway Project. The resident has his own proposal - a link road between the A6 and the Abbey Fields access road. The Highways Officer has asked the Southern Gateway Project consultants to review the proposal and feedback.
Mayor's Annual Village Tour - Mayor Dave Hodgson and I held Advice Surgeries in Elstow, Kempston Hardwick and Stewartby on 23 Sep 16. We had seven residents attending the Elstow one, three at Kempston Hardwick and none at Stewartby. I suspect none at Stewartby was more to do with it being pitch black by the time we started, rather than no one having any issues!
Boundaries Commission Proposals for 2020 General Election - Move my entire Ward into Bedford Constituency - I have submitted a comment that on balance, it may be a good idea. Whilst there are obvious concerns about the urban dominating the rural, it may be good for democracy (but not me) if this goes ahead. Bedford is a marginal seat and to move my entire Ward into Bedford Constituency may mean we see more of the other parties throughout the year, rather than the just for a couple of weeks before some polling days that we get now!
Abandoned vehicles and cars backfiring - Following the receipt of several complaints from local residents throughout my Ward on these issues, I have been working with all interested parties, the Borough Council and the police to resolve the various issues.
Local Issues:
Since my last Elstow, Stewartby and Kempston Hardwick Echo, here are some of the local issues I have progressed, in some cases with the valued help and support of the Parish Council:
- Enforcement of speeding on A6 and Abbey Fields. Have been pressing the police to do so and have been using a Speed Indicator Device.
- Atrocious parking outside Elstow Primary School at drop-off and pick-up times.
- Two new benches on the Romsey Way green. These have now been installed.
- "Adoption" by Borough of Hexham Close and high numbers of Abbey Fields. "Adoption" means Borough taking on responsibility for maintenance.
- Clearance of Elstow Brook.
- Potholes around A6/A421 junction. This is slightly complicated as the junction is very busy and traffic management will need to be done.
- Requested clearing of litter on left hand side - going south on A6.
- Tidying up of area between Cow Bridge and Interchange roundabout.
- Intentions of Quest Pit Ltd for Quest Pit use - Owner has agreed to my requests that the entrance will be on the B530, including a roundabout for it and that development-related traffic will be kept out of the village.
- Parking around Village Hall during large events - I will be using the remainder of my 2016/17 Ward Fund to contribute towards the refurbishment of the car park by the shop and the installation of car park lighting.
- Illegal encampment on old Highways England compound - Even though it is in the Central Beds Council area, I successfully pressed for Highways England to remove the travellers' weeks earlier than they otherwise would have been.
- Speedwatch session done with local volunteers on 13-22, Stewartby Way on 8th September. Pleased to report no speeding vehicles logged.
- Planning Application for double-glazing at 79-86, Sir Malcolm Stewart Homes has been approved.
- Planning Application for 3 houses in back garden of 40, Churchill Close - I submitted objections and Borough Planners refused permission. Applicant appealed against the refusal.
- Turning right sign on B530 north of Stewartby - It has finally been repaired by Central Beds Council after much chasing by me.
Kempston Hardwick
- Chimney Corner Used Car Sales - This has been set up without planning permission. I have asked the Borough Planning Enforcement Team to sort this out.
- Traffic on Manor Road - I am very pleased to report that the relevant Inspector has finally agreed to do random enforcement checks.
- Railings under Railway Bridge - Completed by end of July.
- Brickmakers Arms - Following pressure by me, Borough Planners are now enforcing a clearance of the site. Application for demolition has been approved.
- Footpath for bus shelter by Sheffield House - Following my pressing, I have been told by Central Beds Council that the footpath has now been cleared.
- Speedwatch session done with local volunteers on Eastwood Cottages, Kempston Hardwick on 9th September. Two speeding vehicles logged.
Ward Fund for 2016/17
Elstow and Stewartby:
1. Contribution towards cost of providing First Aid Training at Guild House. Guild House has 7 members from my Ward and I have agreed to contribute the equivalent of £25.00 a head towards the overall training - £175.00.
1. Hillesden Avenue - Whole estate No Verge Parking Scheme.
2. West End - Extending existing High Street No Verge Parking Scheme to Progress Way roundabout.
3. Contribution towards installation of a goal on Tucker Park.
4. Contribution towards the cost of two new benches on the Romsey Way green.
5. Extending the Church End/High Street road safety work.
6. Footway extension outside Elstow Lower.
1. Contribution towards the cost of the painting and decorating of Stewartby Village Hall.
2. Marston Vale Middle School - Science Laboratory Equipment.
3. Stewartby Way - stretch between Wavell Close and Sir Malcolm Stewart Homes. Traffic survey strips between dropped kerbs on either side of road.
4. Contribution towards the cost of the refurbishment of the parking area by the shop and a street light in it.