Enjoy Bedford's Big Christmas Lights Switch-On - Tonight at 7pm!

Bedford's big Christmas Lights Switch On event is taking place tonight, Thursday 24th November, at 7pm, along The Embankment. Everyone is invited to attend this free Christmas event when Bedford Borough Council will light up the town with another magnificent firework display to mark the start of the Christmas period.
The spectacular display follows an afternoon of festive entertainment courtesy of BedfordBID in Harpur Square, as people are encouraged to come into town and enjoy all their is to offer, on the first day of Thursday evening late-night shopping in the run-up to Christmas.
Commenting, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: 'The Christmas Lights Switch-On is always a hugely popular occasion for all the family and we hope large numbers turn out to enjoy this free event.'
'It all kicks off from 7pm, so get there early to get a good spot and help welcome Father Christmas to Bedford!'
There is free late night parking tonight, from 5.30pm on 24th November, in River Street, Allhallows, Queen Street and Lurke Street Multi Storey Car Parks. The Christmas Light Switch On will also mark the beginning of late night parking in Bedford Town Centre, to view the full schedule click here.