Enjoy Christmas in Bedford

Two weeks ago the festive season in Bedford Town centre was kicked off in customary, spectacular style with the Christmas Lights switch-on and firework display along the Embankment. Even better, this year, we were honoured to be joined by a true hero of 2012 and a great Bedfordian, our very own Olympic Gold Medallist Etienne Stott. Etienne once again gave his time selflessly in support of a great community event, as families and people of all ages enjoyed the fun. The lights are looking great, and with late night shopping on Wednesdays and every day in the week prior to Christmas, not to mention events and festivities coming thick and fast, there are so many reasons to come into Bedford for your Christmas shopping. The array of excellent independent shops have something for everyone, and just as the Portas Pilot Bedford Town Team's postcards (see right) have it, if we all enjoy a Very Bedford Christmas this year and shop locally, the better it is for our economy and for our community as a whole.
Those events and festivities I mention include the Christmas Tree Festival in St Paul's Church, which is already underway and on until Sunday, not to mention the Victorian Christmas Fair, which runs from this Friday to Sunday. So, let's hope for a successful Christmas for our local businesses as more people enjoy coming into town to Buy in Bedford and soak up the festive atmosphere in their town centre.