Enjoy parks responsibly this Easter

With the start of the Easter holidays and the next step in the Government's Coronavirus roadmap allowing outdoor gathering of either six people or two households, the Council is reminding local residents to enjoy their parks responsibly.
Parks are a fantastic community space, providing room to exercise, get some fresh air, and have a much needed meet up with friends and family. Bedford Borough has a lot of beautiful parks and open spaces including the Green Flag Country Parks at Priory and Harrold-Odell, the Embankment, Bedford Park, Russell Park, Addison Howard Park, and of course all of the smaller neighbourhood parks.
With everyone still being asked to minimise travel, the Council is expecting many people to be enjoying their local park over the Easter holidays and is reminding visitors to use the parks responsibly.
- Please do not litter- use the bins provided, and if they are full between emptying due to the increase in visitors, please take your rubbish home with you.
- Park toilets are open- please remember to social distance when using them, and wash/sanitise your hands regularly.
- Continue to follow social distancing guidance between households to keep everyone safe.
Councillor Charles Royden, Portfolio Holder for Environment said "Local parks have been a lifeline for people during lockdown, and now they will become a space where people can meet with friends and loved ones, in a safe and responsible way. We know how much people love their local park, and we just want to remind everyone to use their park in a responsible and respectful way. We can only do so much to keep our parks clean and safe, we need your help too. So please, leave the park as you would wish to find it- put any litter you have in a bin or take it home with you, and make sure you keep yourself and your communities safe by social distancing, and regularly washing/sanitising your hands."