'Enjoy Your Borough' New Year's Resolutions, Part Two: Enjoy Your Local Parks!

In the second of a short series of posts here on mayordave.org.uk with suggestions for New Year's Resolutions on the theme of getting out and enjoying the facilities and attractions on offer in Bedford Borough, Mayor Dave Hodgson encourages everyone to use and enjoy their local parks and open spaces.
Bedford Borough has a wide of array of spectacular parks and open spaces across its urban and rural areas, from the attractive Victorian Bedford Park close to Bedford town centre to the wide open space and large lake to be enjoyed at Harrold and Odell Country Park. Bedford also has its beautiful embankment and riverside walk running through the town centre, including the stunning Embankment Gardens, Russell Park and Mill Meadows.
Despite unprecedented cuts to Council funding in recent years, standards of maintenance and quality in the Borough's excellent open spaces have been maintained, while numerous sites have been much improved with new facilities. These include the brand new cafes at the Kiosk in Russell Park (Kiosk At The Park), at Mowsbury Park (Four Seasons Cafe) and at Bedford Park (The Pavillion). All of these are in addition to the very popular, longer-standing cafe at Harrold and Odell Country Park (Tea-Zels Cafe)
In addition to these new cafes bringing new life and even more visitors to these parks, the last few years have also seen an array of new play equipment and facilities installed for young people at a number of local parks, including a transformation of the extremely well-used play area at Russell Park in Bedford.
Commenting, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "There's something for everyone across the huge wealth of parks and open spaces across the Borough. Whether you're looking for peace and tranquility, a picturesque walk, something to eat and drink, sports and leisure, a picnic spot or one of a vast range of other activities, you can find it at Bedford Borough's award-winning parks."
For more information on parks and open spaces across Bedford Borough, visit http://www.bedford.gov.uk/leisure_and_culture/parks_and_open_spaces.aspx