Enviro-Hub opens in Kempston making it even easier to volunteer
Bedford Borough Council has announced the launch of the 'Enviro-Hub' project based in Kempston.
Enviro-Hub's make it easier for people to volunteer and keep their local community clean, by making litter-picking equipment available to borrow without having to plan ahead.
The Enviro-Hub has been launched following a successful bid to WRAP's Litter Innovation Fund (the charity behind the 'Recycle Now' initiative), and the project is running in partnership with Fusion at Kempston Pool. The Litter Innovation Fund looks for new ways of reducing and preventing litter and littering.
Members of the public will be able to borrow the equipment by calling into Kempston Pool during opening hours, and signing out what they need to be able to head out litter picking - It's as simple as that!
There will be information about the Enviro-Hub on boards at Addison Howard Park and Hillgrounds to let people know how they can get the equipment, general recycling information, and showing where the closest bins are. There are also biodegradable dog waste bags located alongside these at the noticeboards, completely free-to-use.
This new initiative is being launched with a community litter-picking event on Saturday 25 January between 10am-12pm meeting at the Hillgrounds sports ground main car park (by the pavilion). Everyone is welcome to attend, find out more about Enviro-Hubs, and do a bit of litter picking in the area.
Councillor Charles Royden, Portfolio Holder for Environment said "It's great that the Council was awarded this money to set up the new Enviro-Hub's project. This will make it really easy for local residents and park users to access litter-picking equipment and help us to keep the park and surrounding area clean and tidy, without having to give notice or organise a formal litter pick.
"Thank you to all of our fantastic volunteers working in our parks, open spaces and in local communities across the Borough. If you have never volunteered, this is a great way to get started."