Exam Congratulations to Staff and Students in the Borough’s Schools
With the school year starting again for most schools across the Borough this week, I want to add my congratulations to students and staff in the wake of the publication of A Level, firstly, and then GCSE results in the last few weeks. Coming from a family of teachers, and being a former lecturer myself, I know only too well how important these public exams are to children and young people, and this is perhaps the case more than ever now with the competitive higher education sector/jobs market that they will be looking towards. I want to congratulate all of the students and staff across the Borough's schools who have achieved such positive results.
There are a large number of success stories, including record A Level results at Hastingsbury, where an impressive 89% of pupils received 3 or more 'A' Level A* - E grades. Overall the A Level results achieved at the Borough's schools were very encouraging, and testament to the hard work and application of both students and staff.
The GCSE results were also extremely positive - the best ever in the Borough - with the provisional results showing a tremendous general improvement overall in our schools.
As the Council's Portfolio Holder for Education,Cllr David Sawyer, wrote in a letter to the Bedfordshire on Sunday, The Borough Council has an ongoing commitment to working in partnership with its schools to increase attainment, and we will continue to support increasing standards for our children and young people.