Extra Pothole Crews Working Across the Borough

Bedford Borough Council is drafting in additional pothole crews to help keep on top of pothole repairs this winter.
Roads across Bedford Borough are becoming damaged, with gritting salt, fluctuating temperatures, and surface water following heavy rains all playing their part, and the Council has seen a high number of potholes and road defects appearing in a short space of time.
So far this year, crews have done over 25% more gritting runs than the average- often very late at night and continuing through until the early morning. Over 2,000 tons of road salt have been used this winter season already.
Gritting is a really important part of keep roads safe during winter, but it is also very corrosive and damages the road surface. Alongside warmer temperatures during the day allowing water to seep into the road and weaken them, and freezing temperatures overnight there has been significant damage done to the roads.
Cllr Charles Royden, Portfolio Holder for Highways said: "Our Highways Team have been exceptionally busy this winter season, dealing with flooding, unusually high gritting levels and working to stay on top of the damage being caused to our roads.'
"Occasionally very temporary repairs are needed to make potholes safe, and avoid road closures but additional crews are also working to keep on top of repairs. We may have another cold period and we will continue to direct all available resources towards tackling the effects of the adverse weather and issues it causes for our roads."