Festive Fun at The Higgins Bedford

A series of Christmas craft workshops and a cultural shopping experience kick off today at The Higgins Bedford, with several opportunities to get into the festive spirit over the next two weekends.
The programme of events is as follow
Saturday 23 November: Christmas Crafts- Wellbeing Saturday
Today, Saturday 23 November, Christmas Crafts joins Wellbeing Saturday. Alongside the regular tea party poetry and table-top games, visitors can design and make festive paper stars to add to their Christmas decorations at home. This is free to join from 1pm to 4pm, no booking required.
Sunday 24 November: Christmas Crafts- Printmaking with Katie Allen
Saturday 30 November: Christmas Crafts- Felt making with Anne-Marie Abbate
On Sunday 24 and Saturday 30 November, members of the public are invited to get creative with their Christmas preparations and join in festive craft workshops led by local artists Katie Allen and Anne-Marie Abbate.
Visitors can make gift-giving extra special this year, designing and making their own lino print wrapping paper, cards and tags with Katie on Sunday 24 November. Then on Saturday 30 November, visitors can join Anne-Marie in making Christmas felt decorations to display at home. These workshops run from 2pm to 4pm, cost £12 and are suitable for adults only. Booking is essential and tickets can be purchased using the online booking system on The Higgins Bedford's website: www.thehigginsbedford.org.uk or by phoning 01234 718044 to book your place.
Sunday 1 December: Museum Shop Sunday
Museum Shop Sunday returns to The Higgins Bedford this year, joining cultural venues across the UK on 1st December. Supported by the Association for Cultural Enterprises (ACE), Museum Shop Sunday offers the perfect opportunity to purchase a Christmas gift made by independent suppliers, artisans and charities.
The Higgins Bedford shop has a range of products inspired by the museum's collections and exhibitions, including cards, postcards and books. The ever-popular advent calendars by Angela Harding and Emily Sutton are stocked alongside Christmas cards and wrapping paper, designed by Eric Ravilious. Shoppers can also expect to find a tempting range of chocolate, festive felt decorations, printed tea towels, handmade soaps by New Ewe and more.
There will also be a variety of stalls at the museum on Museum Shop Sunday offering an opportunity to discover more about Bedford's creative community as well as a bespoke range of locally crafted items including knitwear made by The Higgins Knitting Group.