Flying the Rainbow Flag for Equality

The Rainbow Flag is flying at Borough Hall today, marking the launch of LGBT History Month. The flying of the flag is a small but important symbol of our commitment to equal rights, and I hope it sends a clear message of support to LGBT members of the community.
I want to thank the recently-formed Bedfordshire Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender group - BeLGBT - for approaching me with the idea of flying the flag today (and for kindly loaning the flag!) and congratulate the group for its work in promoting the occasion. And it's not just the Council showing its support today - BeLGBT has been successful in raising awareness locally of the significance of the day and has successfully encouraged a number or businesses and organisations to fly the flag.
I'm pleased to be able to say that there are a number of events taking place in Bedford to celebrate the LGBT History Month including an LGBT Timeline Exhibition at Bedford Central Library on 8th February. This event will be the result of collaboration between Bedford Central Library, BeLGBT and Bedfordshire Race & Equalities Council. Also, look out for a leaflet being produced by the Central Library which, in addition to a recommended reading list, will include details of LGBT support groups together with other relevant information.
Having attended deeply moving services to mark Holocaust Memorial Day earlier this week and been reminded in the most powerful way of the danger of bigotry and prejudice in all its forms, I am struck by how fitting it is that we should be making this public statement of our commitment to equality in our community today.
If you are interested in finding out more about BeLGBT then you can see their new website at For those of you on Twitter you will find the group on their as @BeLGBT, where they have been promoting today's flag-flying using the hashtag #FlyTheRainbow. You can also learn more about LGBT History Month at
RockCityArtGallery will also be marking the month with the launch of their new 'She Bop A Lula' exhibition, a showcase of the most influential singers and best female photographers of the past six decades, on Friday 1st February. All are welcome and encouraged to attend from 7pm.
For further details please contact Mick on 07890 333666 or visit RSVP to the BeLGBT at or via Twitter (@BeLGBT) or Facebook (BeLGBT).