Forest of Marston Vale Development Design Guidance

The Council is preparing jointly with Central Bedfordshire Council and the Forest of Marston Vale. The document will be adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance.
The Development Design Guidance will set out how the development planning polices for the Forest of Marston Vale will be implemented, as set out in the Bedford Borough Council and Central Bedfordshire Council Local Plans. The Guidance relates to the Forest of Marston Vale as designated by Government as one of England's Community Forests, and which covers 61 square miles between Bedford and Milton Keynes.
In accordance with the Council's Statement of Community involvement the Council is inviting comments on the scope of the SPD.
If you would like to make comments you can do so by 3rd April 2022 by sending an email to
or in writing addressing your letter to Kim Wilson, Planning Policy Team, Bedford Borough Council, Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford, MK42 9AP (please affix a stamp as this is not a freepost address).