Formerly Derelict Medieval Properties in the Heart of Bedford are Coming Back into Use this Week

Following a stunning refurbishment programme, medieval properties in one of Bedford's most prominent town centre locations which have stood derelict for nearly fifty years are coming back into use this week, as affordable homes. 1-4 St Paul's Square buildings have been transformed into ten good quality afforable homes for rent, to be managed by Aldwyck Housing Association, after the heritage regeneration 'THI' project led by Mayor Dave Hodgson kick-started a partnership project which is breathing new life into buildings last used back in 1969.
Commenting on site, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "These historic buildings stood derelict for nearly fifty years, looking tired and tatty in one of Bedford's most prominent locations. They are now looking suitably handsome in the heart of the town centre, thanks to this project to bring them into use and to restore and protect the site's medieval heritage."
"We are delighted to have been a part of this project and to see these buildings back in use, as affordable homes. My thanks go to all the organisations and individuals involved in this genuine partnership project."
Mayor Dave has uploaded a gallery featuring photos taken on a tour he took of the buildings back in the autumn, and a number taken yesterday as he was given a sneak peek inside before the homes are handed over to tenants this week. You can see them on his facebook page here, or visit