Further Broadband Boost for Bedford Borough as Mayor Announces £1 Million Support for Government Superfast Scheme

Nearly £1million in match funding is expected to be made available by Bedford Borough Council, to help superfast broadband reach thousands more homes and businesses.
Lib Dem Mayor of Bedford Borough, Dave Hodgson, has confirmed the Council's support for the allocation of £990,000 of match funding to ensure Bedford Borough receives the full benefit of the government's 'Superfast Extension Programme.'
With Bedford Borough's successful inclusion in the current 'Rural Broadband Programme' to roll out Superfast to 90% of premises and at least basic broadband to all, the Superfast Extension Programme will now see Superfast access expanded to at least 95% of properties by 2017.
Bedford Borough Council is currently involved in the first phase of the Government's national broadband project to make superfast broadband available to 90% of homes and businesses by 2016 and broadband speeds of at least 2 Mbps available to all homes and businesses.
The Council's involvement in the national extension programme to reach 95% of premises, including match-funding the project locally, means thousands more homes and businesses, especially in rural parts of the borough, will be included by 2017. The Council remains committed to delivering superfast broadband to 100% of homes and businesses in the borough by 2020.
Mayor Dave Hodgson, said: "I think all communities across Bedford Borough should have access to Superfast broadband, and this project will go a long way towards achieving that goal.
"Slow or disrupted internet access is hugely damaging to rural businesses and makes what should be routine work or personal tasks increasingly difficult for rural residents.
"While the big broadband providers are reluctant to invest in less densely populated areas, we will keep working on their behalf in order that as soon as possible this problem for rural households is eradicated completely."
For more information on broadband in Bedford Borough, please visit: www.bedford.gov.uk/broadband.