Garden waste collections return to fortnightly

From Monday 17 August, garden waste collections will be returning to fortnightly collections.
These collections were suspended and then reintroduced on a monthly basis to ensure that the bin crews could continue an uninterrupted collection of household waste and recycling, whilst ensuring they could social distance.
Now, with crews stabilised the Council is reintroducing garden waste collections on a normal schedule of every two weeks, with the recycling collections.
You can check your bin collection dates at, and the schedule will be back to normal so if you have a printed calendar for your bin collections this year that will also be correct.
Mayor Dave Hodgson said "Our bin crews have worked really hard to keep the household waste, and recycling collections going, alongside a monthly garden waste collection and the special temporary garden waste facility at Oasis Pool. Thanks to all their work, we are now able to get back to business as usual and we are confident that our crews can deliver this while staying on top of the priority household waste and recycling collections. I know lots of people left notes and pictures expressing your gratitude to theses everyday heroes, and I'd like to add my thanks to yours. Please do take a moment to check when your next collection will be at and thank you for your patience and support during these unusual times"