Getting the Popular Italian Statue Back on Display

When the statue donated to Bedford by the town's Italian community was unveiled at the time of Bedford's first Italian Festival in 2009, the response was overwhelmingly positive. It is remarkable for any new piece of public art, usually the cause of much debate , discussion and often controversy, to be met with so much praise and so few complaints! What a terrible shame it was, then, when the statue had to be moved from its original location near the Town Bridge, due to repeated acts of vandalism. The statue was the work of artist Professore Giuseppe Martignetti, who produced it for the town which he said had given so much to his family, and it was appalling that mindless acts of violence caused it to have to be put into storage. I am therefore delighted that it is now going back on display once again, after we worked with the Italian Festival Committee to identify a suitable, safe location where it can be enjoyed by residents and visitors to Bedford. It will sit on Greyfriars roundabout, near the bus station, which is of course a major gateway to Bedford.
With the statue having been presented to the town at the first Italian Festival two years ago, I'm delighted that it will be in place when the second festival takes place, in just over two weeks' time on Sunday 12th June.
With the statue itself having been a gift to the town, not costing taxpayers a penny, the Council has met the small cost of moving the statue onto the roundabout, with the associated works involved. It should prove to be a small price to pay for re-installing this reminder of the historic, yet ongoing, contribution of the Italian community in Bedford.