Go Green This Christmas

Christmas is a great time to think about how we can all be a little greener and save a bit of money at the same time, and Cllr Charles Royden and Bedford Borough Council are encouraging people to think about how they can reduce their impact on the environment over the festive season.
According to Love Food, Hate Waste UK households throw away 4.5million tonnes of edible food every year- that could fill 38million wheelie bins, or 90 Albert Halls.
So, coming up to Christmas, there is plenty of advice and support available from Love Food, Hate Waste to help people spend a little less, waste less, and help do their bit for the planet:
- Plan your shopping and get more for your money - just buy what you are likely to eat
- Make your food last longer - love your freezer, check your use by dates and the temperature of your fridge
- Get more from your shopping, use more of what you buy - make the food you buy go further by using your leftovers
Visit www.lovefoodhatewaste.com for more helpful advice on how to waste less food from planning your meals, recipes for leftovers, and food storage ideas.
With the Christmas and New Year bank holidays coming up, the Council is reminding people to check when their bins will be collected over the festive period.
You can check your bin day, download a calendar of bin collections for the year, and check when your bin collections will be over Christmas and New Year all on the Council's website at www.bedford.gov.uk/bins
Cllr Charles Royden, Portfolio Holder for Environment said "Everyone could use a little spare cash in the run up to Christmas, and minimising what we waste is a great way to save a little money and help the environment at the same time.
"Visit Love Food, Hate Waste for some great advice on how to be food savvy over Christmas, and all through the year.
"As usual, our bin crews have a much-deserved bank holiday break on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day so bin collections will be a little delayed over the festive period. It's really easy to check when your bin collections will be and download a calendar for the year- just visit www.bedford.gov.uk/bins.'