Good progress on ‘Northern Gateway’ works

Works started on the 'Northern Gateway' in June 2021 to ease congestion around the Clapham Road/Manton Lane roundabout, which will also benefit the A6 roundabout.
To date, Clapham Road has been widened between the Paula Radcliffe Way roundabout and Manton Lane with a new kerb and pavement, construction has started on the dedicated left-turn lane from Clapham Road to Manton Lane, and extensive road widening on the northeast corner of the Clapham Road roundabout is largely complete.
Once these works are complete this month, works will then begin on the central reservation of the dual carriageway between Paula Radcliffe Way and Manton Lane, introducing a permanent right turn lane into Sainsbury's. This will reduce unnecessary traffic using the Clapham Road roundabout.
Further works include the widening of Clapham Road roundabout and the installation of traffic lights to help traffic to flow, and ease congestion during rush hour. Improved pedestrian and cyclist crossings will also be installed, to make it easier to cross this busy junction.
Councillor Charles Royden, Portfolio Holder for Highways said "We apologise for the congestion that has been seen in the area as we carry out these vital works. With the need to restrict traffic on Paula Radcliffe Way to keep the workforce safe and ongoing essential mains strengthening Anglian Water works in Oakley Road, Bromham, we have seen delays to people's journeys. Anglian Water's full road closure on Oakley Road will be lifted and the road re-opened by the end of this week, with some additional works in half term under temporary traffic lights. We will continue to work with our contractor to deliver these Northern Gateway works, and we are currently on schedule to complete these in Spring 2022. This junction is a real congestion hotspot locally and these works will deliver improvements for the long-term future of our town, making our roads safer and more reliable. Whilst the safety of both our workforce and travelling public is paramount we are listening to feedback from local travellers and making amendments to the traffic management on site to do our utmost to minimise the disruption on this busy route."
This project is part of Transporting Bedford, a project to tackle congestion hotspots in Bedford, funded by both Bedford Borough Council and funding from the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP), through the Local Growth Fund and represents the largest ever investment in Bedford's roads.