Government fails to support for children on school meals this half-term

Children going hungry is, sadly, not a new problem, but remains an unacceptable feature of our society. The Government has failed to provide support for children on school meals this half-term, despite the opportunity to do so and in the face of nationwide pressure led by footballer Marcus Rashford.
Mayor Dave Hodgson said "Some schools have provision in place for pupils on free school meals during this half-term. In addition the Council provides existing support , including crisis grants to ensure no child in Bedford Borough goes hungry and we will back this and extend it as necessary.
No child, indeed, no person, should go hungry in Bedford Borough and if you need support, tell us. You can find out more about this support at"
In addition to this formal support, thanks should also go to the amazing charities and businesses who have stepped in to fill the gap left by the Government's cruelty:
Bedford Borough is well known for its kindness, and a full list of businesses stepping in to fill the gap is available at the local Bedford Kindness Facebook group.
In addition, local charity Faces are providing additional support and the Borough Council recently donated £23,000 to Bedford Foodbank to provide emergency food.
Mayor Dave added "As usual local communities, charities and councils are left to pick up the pieces of the Government's heartless decisions. This should not be down to local generosity. We are now looking at what can be done over the Christmas holidays, if the Government again fails to provide support, with our partners, communities and council services to continue to ensure that no child in Bedford Borough goes hungry."