Green Business Network - War on Waste Seminar

Do you create waste in your business? Do you know if you are meeting the current regulations, let alone what's coming up?
The government has just published a raft of new laws on waste, recycling and packaging. Do you know how that will affect your business and long-term planning?
Have you got the time to go through it all and find out?
Dr Waleed Montasser, Green Business Network Trustee and expert in waste management, has gone through it all for you and there is a a free on-line seminar, to give you the lowdown on how these affect you and identify the action you need to take now and into the future to keep on the right side of the law and win the war on waste in your business.
The seminar takes place 25th May at 2-3pm and you can ook your place now for the free on-line session at GBN/event/war on waste Part 1.