Halloween Half-Term Fun at The Higgins Bedford and Local Libraries

There's lots of half-term fun to be had in Bedford Borough, with activities and events at our local museum and art gallery, and all five local libraries.
'Enter the World of Dreams and Nightmares' is the theme for half-term activities at The Higgins Bedford, following the opening of new exhibition 'Dreams and Nightmares'. Holiday activities are sponsored by Oxford Brookes University.
Tuesday 22 October sees 'Spooky Stuff' with Art Adventurers making a Halloween decoration; Little Science Lab's 'Hubble Bubble' workshops have already sold out with spooky experiments and bubbling potions. On Thursday 24 October kids can make a little worry monster to tell their troubles to with 'Monsters Under the Bed', and finally on Friday 25 October they can make a Halloween clay model.
All of these activities are £3 per child, are at 11.00am, 12.30pm and 2.00pm and can be booked online at www.thehigginsbedford.org.uk
At local libraries there are lots of different Halloween crafts and activities throughout the week and all for free. Children can make Halloween magnets, spooky finger puppets, Autumn wreaths, spooky bunting and lots more.
Our libraries are also going digital this week with iExplore day, a digital treasure hunt and sessions to design a craft table or make a matchbox camera. There will also be sessions to introduce apps available via the library to access audiobooks, music, and the digital Britannica Library resource for children. Find out more at www.bedford.gov.uk/libraries