Happy Bedfordshire Day!

Mayor Dave Hodgson has wished everyone a very Happy Bedfordshire Day. Bedfordshire Day was first celebrated only last year. Today's date was chosen after a public vote organised by the the Friends of Bedfordshire Society found the anniversary of the birth of John Bunyan to be the most popular suggestion.
You can find out more about the society, and Bedfordshire Day, on its website
Bedford Borough Council has been flying the Bedfordshire Flag today in celebration of the day, and Mayor Dave posted the photo seen here to his Facebook page, with the comment:
"Happy Bedfordshire Day! Not much of a breeze today, but we've been flying the flag proudly at Borough Hall.
It's a Happy Birthday to John Bunyan, too. Bedfordshire Day, which was first held last year, coincides with the anniversary of Bunyan's birth following a public vote organised by the Friends of Bedfordshire Society, which found it to be the most popular suggestion for our County Day.
I think it's only right that like other counties, we should have a special day to celebrate our county. So once again, Happy Bedfordshire Day to all!"