Have Your Say on Health Services via Healthwatch's Voice of the People Survey

After the success of their 'Behind Closed Doors' COVID-19 report in the autumn of 2020, Healthwatch Bedford Borough are now revisiting some of the common themes to look at how Bedford Borough residents and patients are finding access to services now, six months on.
The NHS remains 'open for business' during the COVID 19 pandemic, but changes have obviously been made to the way services are delivered. Healthwatch Bedford Borough wants to ensure that the views of all communities are taken fully into account in the areas of commissioning and service delivery and want to hear from local residents about the things that have gone well and not so well.
The intention of the survey is to enable Healthwatch to understand and report on issues and common trends that are affecting care. They will seek to identify any fears people have for the future, as well as causes for celebration, and they hope to share areas of best practice, making recommendations to services, as we start to move beyond this current crisis.
The 'Voice of the People' survey will run until Sunday 2nd May 2021. After Healthwatch Bedford Borough have analysed the raw data, they will publish their findings in a full report and make recommendations.
You can take part in the survey via this link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SYRY2MH