Have Your Say on Key Regeneration Plans for Bedford

Earlier this year, Bedford Borough Council adopted its Local Plan 2030. This set out where and how growth will take place across Bedford Borough over the next decade to provide housing, schools, jobs, and infrastructure.
As part of that Local Plan, the land around Ford End Road and south of the river surrounding Bedford St Johns train station was earmarked for future development for housing, shops, community uses and green space.
These areas have also previously been 'masterplanned' as part of the One Public Estate project which was formed to bring together public sector bodies to work in partnership to create jobs, support businesses, deliver housing, and encourage developments in the private sector.
The masterplans were agreed by Bedford Borough Council in September 2018, and can be found on the Council's website.
Now, Bedford Borough Council is preparing development briefs for the two sites which will build on the masterplanning which has already been undertaken, and the Council is looking for your views on the future of these areas.
Everyone is invited to take part in digital consultation workshops to discuss the plans to create sustainable, resilient and attractive neighbourhoods in these areas and to share ideas on what they would like to see in each area. This could include views on what type of housing should be built, what sort of open spaces and facilities there should be, and how transport and parking will be integrated into the sites.
Mayor Dave Hodgson said "This is a really exciting project, looking to the future. The development of these two areas will bring brownfield land back into use and create much-needed housing close to our town centre in a sustainable way. It is unfortunate that we are not able to hold workshops out in the 'real world' but with the coronavirus outbreak and the need to keep people safe by minimising contact this won't be possible.
"We are working to encourage as many people as possible to take part in our digital consultation- but do not worry this won't be your last chance to have your say. There will be more opportunities to give your views, including a formal consultation later this year."
The digital consultations will be held via 'Zoom'- a web conferencing app. The workshop about Ford End Road will be at 10.00 am on Tuesday 5 May 2020, and the workshop about the area south of the river will be held on Wednesday 6 May also at 10.00 am. An online questionnaire will be made available following the workshops.
To register your interest to take part in a workshop please visit the relevant Eventbrite:
To receive a link to the online questionnaire, you can email planningpolicy@bedford.gov.uk