Have your say on the future of Bedford Borough’s Pharmacy Services

Bedford Borough Council is seeking your views about your local pharmacy.
The Council would like to hear about your own experiences of pharmacy services in the borough and what improvements you would like to see in the future, by completing a short survey.
Your responses will help the Bedford Borough Health and Wellbeing Board to produce its local Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). This document will help to ensure that your local pharmacy provides the services residents need both now and in the future.
The local pharmacy is often the first place we turn to when we have a concern about our health or the health of a family member. They support our local health and social care services, by providing medical advice, administering vaccinations, dispensing medication and much more.
This is an opportunity for all residents, particularly those who use pharmacies regularly, to ensure that services accurately reflect the current provision being delivered within their communities.
The questionnaire is anonymous and should only take a few minutes to complete, and is open until 31 December 2021.
To find out how you can get involved and have your say visit www.bedford.gov.uk/PNAConsultation2021