Have your say on the future of the Putnoe Walk-in Centre

There has been more bad news about the future of Putnoe walk-in Centre. Bedfordshire NHS commissioners (BCCG) have changed their plan to provide a 'like-for-like' walk-in centre replacement at the former North Wing hospital site, and instead are planning to close the walk-in centre altogether in May 2019, after first reducing its hours from this October. You can see local Liberal Democrat campaigner Christine McHugh discussing this on facebook.
They have launched a consultation on the closure which only runs until 19th August, so please if you don't agree with the proposal to close the Putnoe Walk-In Centre, go and have your say! You can find the BCCG Consultation here - you can use question 15 to say whether you agree with their plans or not.
We know how well-used the Walk-in Centre is by people, giving peace of mind and access to non-emergency but essential care seven days a week.
They say that the Walk-In Centre will be replaced by the new Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) at Bedford Hospital from October. But with Bedford Hospital A&E under massive pressure as it is, and the current walk-in centre seeing 35,000 patients a year, we need BOTH services.
As well as responding to the consultation, please support our petition to call for the Walk-in Centre to be saved from any closure. Please sign and return our petition.